Hog Island Teen Camp Scholarship

Do you know a 14-17 year-old birder or nature enthusiast who would be interested in attending a summer camp in Maine?

Menunkatuck Audubon Society is pleased to announce that we are offering an Audubon Hog Island Camp Scholarship to nurture interest in bird study and conservation among young birders and those interested in nature. The 2019 Scholarship will cover the full cost of ($1,395) of the Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens program from June 23-28, 2019.

Full details are here.

Puffin near Eastern Egg Rock Photo: Jennie Duberstein 

West River Memorial Park - bugs, bugs, bugs!

West River Memorial Park - bugs, bugs, bugs!

There are bugs EVERYWHERE! ... And it is nothing short of AMAZING! This is a success story from the urban wilds of New Haven, CT. That’s what the photos show - SUCCESS - an abundance of insects, and especially pollinators, visiting and nectaring on every last flowering plant at The West River Memorial Park’s Barnard Nature Center.

Bin Building Party

Bin Building Party

What's a Bin Building Party, you might ask? Good question! It's when concerned citizens and nature lovers - birders, anglers, plastic clean-up and wildlife enthusiasts - get together to help a coalition of Connecticut organizations build Monofilament Fishing Line Recycling Bins that will be deployed around the Greater New Haven Area in order to help protect and conserve bird and wildlife populations.

Welcome to our new website.

Welcome to our new website.

We have moved our website to a new host that we anticipate will provide a better experience for visitors with an easier navigation and faster page loading.

Some of the features are

  • a home page with links to our bird cameras and some of the more popular pages.

  • a news section to keep you up to date with important information.

  • a section dedicated to information about the birds with which we work.