2019 was an eventful year for Menunkatuck Audubon Society. Here are some of the significant accomplishments.
Installed more than 10 new and replacement Osprey platforms from East Haven to Old Saybrook.
Photo: Daanna Broderick
Partnered with Audubon Connecticut, USFWS, New Haven Parks, and other organizations in expanding the New Haven Urban Oases.
Planted 125 native shrubs at the West River Memorial Park Urban Oasis. We saw a large increase in the pollinator population at the Oasis.
Installed 15 monofilament fishing line recycling bins in the New Haven Harbor watershed.
Monitored the Purple Martin colonies at Hammonasset and at the Guilford Salt Meadow Sanctuary with a 281 fledglings, Tree Swallow nest boxes at Hammonasset, the Ox Pasture Preserve, Guilford Salt Meadow Sanctuary, and West River Memorial Park. We fledged 328 young birds, and Eastern Bluebird nest boxes at the Guilford Salt Meadow Sanctuary and had 7 bluebirds fledge.
Photo: Terry Shaw
Began an education and advocacy campaign to save our seabirds from the extinction crisis facing them, advocating for the Forage Fish Conservation Act.
Board member Robin Ladouceur joined other Audubon chapter leaders lobbying legislators at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Photo: Luke Franke, Audubon
Tabled at 10 festivals throughout the chapter area.
Learning Corridor Harvest Festival, Newhallville, New Haven
Met with conservation commissions in Orange and Woodbridge to introduce Menunkatuck as their town’s new Audubon chapter.
Hosted the 2019 Audubon Photography Award Traveling Exhibit at the Woodbridge Library.
Presented 13 public programs, including our first programs in New Haven and North Branford.
Provided a scholarship for a high school student to attend Audubon’s Hog Island Mountains to Sea Birding for Teens camp.
Enjoyed a watch watch out of Plymouth, MA with 30 members and friends.
A wh.ale fin slapping. Photo: Robin Ladouceur
Streamed video from Osprey cameras in New Haven and at Hammonasset Beach State Park.
Streamed video of seals, nesting American Oystercatchers, and Common and Roseate Terns from Falkner Island.
Volunteers & Funding
130 volunteers donated 3700 man-hours worth $90,000.
Leveraged member contributions into grants totaling $5000.
Completed a five-year strategic plan to guide Menunkatuck through 2024.